17 Nov Music Ally Focus Ep. 84: Gary Helsinger – Rock n Roll Stories
Music Ally Focus Ep. 84: Gary Helsinger, SVP licensing & creative at Melodie, talks about library music and sync – and tells the best rock ‘n’ roll stories that the Focus podcast has heard so far.

We’re joined by Gary Helsinger, SVP, Licensing & Creative at Melodie, who chats to us about the state of library music, but also tells all of the best rock n roll stories we have heard on the Focus podcast thus far. Gary has had a rich and varied background to say the least: for instance, he was Director, A&R at Chrysalis Music Group whilst also a member of platinum-selling rock band Green Jellÿ – plus, he was also a manager, and has deep experience in licensing and synch. So he tells us about the state of modern library music and sync, and his work in that field at Melodie. He also regales us with stories of how he signed himself as a musician, discovered Jeff Buckley, signed the Smashing Pumpkins, argued with David Bowie, loaned Prince his guitar, snooped on shoppers behind a two way mirror with Michael Jackson, and, oh, a whole lot more.